Alternate Nostril Breath
Alternate Nostril Breathing is a great way to restore balance to your bodies energetic system and promote clear sinus passages. It is also a way to assess which system or state is primarily driving your body in a given time.
The right nostril is associated with:
Stimulates the left hemisphere of the brain
left brain= more analytical, methodical, objective
Independent right nostril breathing is referred to as “sun rising breath” or “surya bedhana”
All inhalations are done through the right nostril. All exhalations are done through the left nostril.
Avoid if trying to sleep, have heat contrainidicated condition like M.S., high blood pressure or if you are pregnant.
The left nostril is associated with:
Promotes relaxation by depressing function of the sympathetic nervous system resulting in lower heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure
Calms the left hemisphere of the brain
Independent left nostril breathing is referred to as “moon breath” or “chandra bedhana”
All inhalations are done through the left nostril. All exhalations are done through the right nostril.
Avoid of trying to increase mental focus or concentration.
At times, it may be beneficial to perform breath just through the right nostril or just through the left nostril instead of alternating. Remember that the point is to increase balance, if one nostril is blocked and the other is open, perhaps you focus on just breathing the blocked side to achieve balanced breathing through BOTH nostrils.
How to perform Alternate Nostril Breathing:
Find comfortable seated position.
With your right hand, extend your pinky (or pinky and ring fingers) and thumb while curling the remaining fingers down into your palm.
Bring your thumb to your right nostril and pinky/pinky and ring finger to your left nostril.
Gently press into your left nostril, inhale through the right.
Gently press into your right nostril, exhale through the left.
Repeat performance until desired effect achieved or between 2-5 minutes.
All information contained herein is copyrighted and is not a substitute for medical advice. the practice given herein is not medical advice but a suggested method for a breathing practice. All users assume risk inherent to practicing any exercise.
Copyright 2022. Thrive with Dr. C, LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or copied with the written permission of author.